RECIPE Virgin Breeze 100 ml. pink grapefruit juice 20 ml. cranberry jui... (続きを読む)
Tail Feathers(テールフェザーズ)
RECIPE Tail Feathers 30 ml. orange juice 60 ml. ginger ale orange wedge... (続きを読む)
Sunset Cooler(サンセットクーラー)
RECIPE Sunset Cooler 30 ml. orange juice 30 ml. ginger ale 30 ml. cranb... (続きを読む)
16 night(十六夜)
RECIPE 16 night 100 ml. pink grapefruit juice 20 ml. tonic water lime w... (続きを読む)
Buntan Marmalade Soda(文旦マーマレードのソーダ)
RECIPE Buntan Marmalade Soda 60 ml. orange juice 1tsp. blue curacao syr... (続きを読む)
Raspberry Soda with Kumquat(金柑のラズベリーソーダ)
RECIPE Raspberry Soda with Kumquat 1 compote of kumquat 15 ml. raspberr... (続きを読む)
Sakura Soda(さくらソーダ)
RECIPE Sakura Soda 1 slice of lemon(dipping in honey) 15 ml. sakura(che... (続きを読む)
White Cyclone(ホワイトサイクロン)
RECIPE White Cyclone 20 ml. calpico 100 ml. tonic water lemon wedge Bui... (続きを読む)
Royal Orange Sour(ロイヤルオレンジ)
RECIPE Royal Orange Sour 20 ml. calpico 60 ml. orange juice 60 ml. club... (続きを読む)
Royal Berry Sour(ロイヤルベリー)
RECIPE Royal Berry Sour 20 ml. calpico 60 ml. cranberry juice 60 ml. cl... (続きを読む)